Communications Merit Badge Clinic

Please join us for a day of learning about communication that will focus on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media while earning a required badge for Eagle Scout
March 1st, 2025
Bonduel High School Commons
9am – 2pm
Cost $20.00 per Scout
Lunch and Snacks will be provided
This is a challenging badge, therefore:
Scouts attending MUST be 1st Class Rank and Age 12
- 4. Interview someone you know fairly well, like, or respect because of his or her position, talent, career, or life experiences, take a few notes and bring them to the clinic.
- 5. Attend a public meeting (city council, school board, debate) approved by your counselor where several points of view are given on a single issue. Take notes on the topic as well as the different points of view. Bring notes to the clinic with you.
- Scouts will be required to teach something to the group as well as inform them about a topic of their choosing. Scouts will be completing this presentation at the clinic, but may bring materials with them to complete this task there. DO NOT bring this completely done.
Please complete prerequisite sections of Merit Badge Worksheets, and bring filled-out and Scoutmaster signed Blue Cards with you to be signed by the Merit Badge Counselor at the end of the day.
Contact Chris Lecheler about registrations at or call 920-360-1388 or if you have questions about the badge requirements contact Lynn Schaal at .
You MUST complete the attached registration form and mail it with your fee(s) to the address on form.
Registration and fee is due by February 21st, 2024.
Sign up Early as we cap the attendance at 50 scouts and will not be accepting registrations late.

Hosted by: BLC, GW
Where: Bonduel High School
400 W Green Bay St
Bondeul, WI 54107

Coords: 44.7415241, -88.4521091
Lynn Schaal: Merit Badge Counselor