NCAC Quarterly Virtual Roundtable
This is the quarterly virtually NCAC all Council Roundtable. The Zoom Room will open at 7:15PM and support a virtual Midway, with the meeting starting at 7:30PM.
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Our Big Rock Topic is on Adult Leadership Training
In the Cub Leader Roundtable session we will be joined by Justinian Dispenza from the Eastern Shore Permaculture Institute (ESPI) and he will be talking about Bug Hotels.
Here is how Justinian and ESPI describe this fun Cub Den/Pack activity:
Bug hotels have grown in popularity over recent years, and it's no wonder why. They're fun to design, fun to build, and fun to observe as the seasons go by.
The session will cover:
-Why bug hotels are an important addition to habitat conservation,
-How to design, gather resources for, and build your own hotel,
-Where to place it and what insects to look for,
-And How this little project can help protect your garden/flowers from pests.
As we’ve become more aware of the plight of pollinators and the need to protect and encourage them, solutions like insect hotels offer pollinators and beneficial insects a safe and protected place to winter-down in a world of perfectly manicured lawns and prolific pesticides.
The Scouts BSA breakout plans to cover 3 main topics:
- Alan Deter, NCAC Advancement & Recognition Committee, “Current Eagle Rank Advancement Process”
- Chris Cooper, NCAC Training Committee, “Powder Horn Training”
- Lorrie Hartwell, NCAC Sea Scouts Advisor, “National Youth Leadership Training”
Hosted by: NCAC