BB Gun Rangemaster Online Courses
Online BB Gun/Slingshot Range Master (CS32) Courses
The Transatlantic Council Shooting Sport Committee will offer a set of online session BB Gun Rangemaster certifications in April.
The virtual classes are 4 hours long and attendees only have to do one class. $5.00 registration fee.
Sessions are:
Monday evening, 03 April, 1800 - 2200
Wednesday evening, 05 April, 1800 - 2200
Saturday morning, 08 April, 0800 - 1200
BB Gun shooting is an exciting, worthwhile activity for Scouts and is one of the most popular program activities held at scout camps.
Operation of a BB Gun shooting sport range must be conducted by trained, qualified, on-site Rangemasters who actually direct the operation of the range program and BB Gun shooting instruction.
Rangemaster Training
Operation of BB, archery, and slingshot ranges for activities and events, including day camp, long-term camp, and short-term camping programs require qualified, trained Rangemasters.
BB/slingshot Rangemaster courses are administered by the council’s shooting sports committee and conducted by a BSA National Camping School certified shooting sports director or a council approved currently certified National Rifle Association rifle instructor for the BB/ slingshot Rangemaster. In either case the instructor must be familiar with the BSA program for which they are instructing (ex. NRA rifle instructor must be familiar with Cub Scout shooting sports if instructing BB range course for Cub Scout BB Rangemaster.)
These BB/Slingshot Rangemaster certification is valid for two years from the date of the training.
A currently certified NRA rifle instructor is qualified to serve as a BB/slingshot Rangemaster only if that person is familiar with the program policies and delivery of the BSA program they will oversee.
Any scouter who wants to be certified as a BB Gun Rangemaster (CS32) can also attend.
BSA BB Gun/Slingshot Rangemaster(CS32) requirements:
• Eighteen years of age or older and trained by a National Camping School shooting sports director or National Rifle Association rifle instructor
• Is in charge of the firing line at any time it is in operation
• BB gun training must be renewed every two years, and this person must have a current Training Course Certificate, No. 33767
Max class size per session is 20.
Cost is $5
Course Prerequisite- Download and Read Chapter 11 of the BSA Shooting Sports Manual ( PDF is found on this registration page).
Virtual Class
Monday 04-03-2023
6:00 PM CET to 10:00 AM CET Past
April 5th BB Rangemaster Training
Virtual Class
Wednesday 04-05-2023
6:00 PM CET to 10:00 PM CET Past
April 8th BB Rangemaster Training
Virtual Class
Saturday 04-08-2023
8:00 AM CET to 12:00 PM CET Past