NRA Rifle & Shotgun Instructor and RSO Course 2023
The NRA Certified Rifle and Shotgun Instructor and Range Safety Officer (RSO) Course is a 4-day course planned for Saturday and Sunday, November 18 & 19 and December 9 & 10, 2023. All new Instructor Candidates must attend the entire course to become NRA Certified. Currently certified NRA Instructors may attend the individual rifle, shotgun instructor or RSO courses to add any of these certifications to their credentials.
Boy Scouts of America allows only NRA Certified Instructors and RSOs to conduct and supervise BSA rifle and shotgun shooting activities, to be a Rifle and Shotgun Merit Badge Counselor, or to teach NRA Basic Rifle, and Shotgun Courses. Other youth organizations and businesses also recognize NRA Instructors and RSOs for their shooting programs.
The new 4-day course requirement resulted from NRA requiring all Rifle and Shotgun instructor candidates to successfully complete the Basic Rifle and Basic Shotgun Shooting Courses before taking the NRA Rifle and Shotgun Instructor Courses. Each of the two Basic Courses is one day in duration and will be presented on November 18 & 19. The NRA Rifle and Shotgun Instructor and the RSO Courses will be presented on December 9 & 10. Attendance and completion of all courses is required. NRA Instructor Certification and RSO Certification will be awarded by the NRA following satisfactory course completion.
See attached flier for full details.
Saturday 11-18-2023 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 11-19-2023 6:00 PM CT Past
Camp Euchee
Saturday 12-09-2023 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 12-10-2023 6:00 PM CT Past