Family Camp
Event Details

It's Family Camp time at RSR (Rainbow Scout Reservation)! Camp with us Sept 15 - 17. Check-in on Friday to catch a movie and snack or check-in Saturday morning.
Saturday Activities include: Fishing, Hiking, Flag Ceremony, Shooting Sports.
Meals provided in the Wilhelm Center (Friday snack, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, Sunday breakfast).
More information and schedule will follow in the Family Guide.
Please review forms and flyer for more information.
***Boy scouts earn service hours! Family Camp needs help with check-in, dining hall, trading post, and campfire. Please contact Dawn Allen at***
When & Where
Rainbow Scout Reservation
Friday 09-15-2017 5:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-17-2017 11:00 AM CT Past
Friday 09-15-2017 5:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-17-2017 11:00 AM CT Past