Family Camp

Family Camp is a wonderful and unique way to introduce your scout and your family to camping. With the fantastic resources and property of Rainbow Council RSR (Rainbow Scout Reservation), we have the opportunity to explore new trails, see and appreciate the outdoors the way it was meant to be and to learn a little bit about ourselves in the process. Come see what you’re made of and experience our annual family camp adventure.
With activities ranging from fishing, shooting sports, games, campfires, and of course GaGa Ball, we will top off the weekend with what is becoming an annual camp wide capture the flag game before our closing campfire. Many have approached me already looking forward to this event.
Meals provided in the Wilhelm Center (Friday snack, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, Sunday breakfast).
More information and schedule, see the Family Guide here.
Open to: Registered Cub Scouts, Siblings, Parents/Guardians/Grand Parent
Cost: $35 per person
Registration Closes: September 6th, 2019 (The Family Camp fee includes all meals through Sunday morning as well as camp facilities fees and matieral costs.)
Registration closes September 6th!!
Friday 09-13-2019 5:30 PM CT to
Sunday 09-15-2019 10:00 AM CT Past