Wood Badge 2022 **POSTPONED**
Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals.
Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here.
Wood Badge is leadership training for all Scout Leaders and Scouters who are involved in the programs of the Boy Scouts of America: Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, Exploring, as well as council and district leaders, and professionals.
This contemporary training program focuses on leadership and “people” skills, not Scoutcraft or outdoor skills. Participants will learn techniques to make them better leaders, and also how to lead groups to achieve objectives. The Wood Badge course incorporates the best of over a century of Scouting experience in addition to drawing upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles, and successful outdoor leadership organizations throughout the country. Skills developed from Wood Badge training will help the participant do a better job in any BSA program - at any level of involvement. Skills learned at Wood Badge can be used in other aspects of their life as well.
Course Fee & Equipment
The fee for Wood Badge 2021 is $250 or $225 before Jan. 31st, 2021. This covers all training materials, equipment, lodging, and food. Some scholarship aid may be available; contact the Course Director.
At least one full Scout uniform of your current position is required dress for the course. Scouting T-shirts are appropriate for some activities.
Participants also provide:
- personal clothing appropriate for coastal weather.
- personal gear appropriate for staying in cabins for four nights.
- camping gear for two nights. (A detailed equipment list and expert coaching is provided before the course.)
- Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. There are no minimum tenure requirements. Youth older than 18 may attend.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. Successful completion of the Annual Health & Medical Form (Parts A, B and C) is required for all participants.
- Have completed, or is signed up for, the basic training courses for their registered Scouting positions.
- Have completed the outdoor skills training programs required for their Scouting positions. This would be Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters and Venturing Advisors.
If you have previously completed a Wood Badge course, agree not to wear your regalia until your new ticket is complete.
Course Format
Wood Badge is a 5-Day Course that we are offering over two weekends:
The first weekend is the practical training and will take place in an indoor environment with some outdoor activities. Meals will be prepared by the staff in the dining hall. Accommodations will be provided in cabins or Adirondack shelters.
For the second weekend, the application training takes place mostly outdoors in rustic overnight campsites. Participants will camp overnight in tents. Meals will be prepared by the patrols in their campsites. Return: Saturday, at 7 am Closes: Sunday, at 4 pm.
The Ticket
One of the great traditions of Wood Badge is the “ticket.” During the course each participant will be asked to develop a contract or ticket. The ticket is a list of five significant goals that will allow participants to use their newly-acquired leadership skills in ways to strengthen Scouting in their home units, districts and councils. The ticket will include their personal values, role in Scouting, vision of success, and a mission (those five goals). They then have 18 months to work towards achieving their goals and completing their ticket. But they won’t be working alone because we will assign them a Ticket Counselor – another Scouter who is there to answer questions, help them work through obstacles, and provide support along the 18-month journey. Overall the ticket will be meaningful and enable the participant to practice the skills learned in the course. Troop Guides and other Staffers will assist participants in writing their tickets.
Professional Development Credit
Wood Badge training qualifies you for professional advancement credits. With Wood Badge being a premiere leadership course, units, chartered organizations and a number of employers may partially or completely underwrite necessary fees for a Scouter to attend. Please inquire with your employer prior to applying for council scholarships.
The course fee is $250, but if you register before July 31st, you qualify for the Early Bird $25 discount. A deposit of $100.00 is needed with your application to secure your position on the course, and all balances due by August 15, 2022. Course t-shirts are available for an additional $15. Scholarships may be available, please email the Course Director.
Cancellation Policy
All payments are final. Requests for refund may be submitted to the Oregon Trail Council and will be reviewed on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed.
Camp Baker
Friday 09-16-2022 7:00 AM PT to
Sunday 09-18-2022 5:00 PM PT Past