2025 Lost Lake Scout Resident Camp

The Scouts BSA resident camp experience at Lost Lake provides an excellent opportunity for Troop, Team, and Crew members to hone their existing skills and learn new ones all while having fun in the great Alaskan outdoors. It is a place of learning, meeting new friends, and just having fun!
Scouts BSA resident camp is an important part of every youth’s Scouting experience. It provides memorable experiences. Swimming, boating, shooting sports, scroutcraft, and climbing will provide both traditional Scouting activities and new and unique experiences. Every Scout needs to attend Scouts BSA resident camp because every Scout will be positively impacted by the resident camp experiences while having copious amounts of fun just not possible anywhere else.
New to scouting? No problem! Stop by the office + join before July 2nd to get paired with a troop for your scouting camp adventure.
Online registration open Saturday, Feburary 15th. Unit leaders will register their scouts. Merit Badge selection will start mid-May.
In Council: $425 Early Bird (ends 5/31) / $425 New Scouts (until 7/2) / $475 Regular
Out of Council: $450 Early Bird (ends 5/31) / $500 Regular