2023 Spring Camporee Klondike Derby
Event Details
The Klondike Derby is an event where Patrols compete against each other, traveling from station to station, showcasing their Scoutcraft skills and teamwork. Use your skills with your patrol to create a sled that will haul your tools from station to station. AOLs are welcome to join the Troop, however, some activities may be limited. Troop 20 is hosting an exciting weekend of challenges to include fire building, axe throwing, shelter building, and an obstacle course.
When & Where
Klondike Derby
Lost Lake Scout Camp
Friday 04-21-2023 5:00 PM AKT to
Sunday 04-23-2023 10:00 AM AKT Past
Lost Lake Scout Camp
Friday 04-21-2023 5:00 PM AKT to
Sunday 04-23-2023 10:00 AM AKT Past