2024 Arrow Camp Troop Registration
If you are registering a 4th or 5th grader for this event, you are in the wrong place! Your registration is here: Arrow Camp - Webelo & Arrow of Light Registration Any Cub Scout registrations will be cancelled!
This event is designed to give Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts a chance to learn about Scouts BSA and Scouting after crossover.
As a Troop, you will help to host this event by providing a program designed to let Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts and their parents meet Troop youth and leadership, learn about your Troop's structure and activities, in order to find a Troop that is right for them.
Check-in: 6:00PM - 8:00PM Friday
Saturday evening Webelos & Arrow of Light Scouts are encouraged to camp overnight with the Troop of their choice, so please prepare to host guests and provide a cracker barrel at your campsite.
All persons must bring medical form A, B1, & B2 to participate in this event. (See under attachments)
Please visit southplainscouncil.org/arrowcamp for more information