In-Person Cub Leader Training **POSTPONED**
Event Details

Cub Scout leaders in need of position-specific training come out for an in-person training at the Rowan Scout Training Center.
Cub Scout Leader training is available online through, but in-person training lets you make connections, ask questions, and have fun! This training covers training for Cubmasters, Pack Committee and Den Leaders.
We are offering two sessions for you to choose from:
May 6, 1-4 pm
Oct. 21 1-4 pm
Cost: $5
Questions? Contact Mike Perry:
When & Where
Spring Option
Rowan Scout Training Center
Saturday 05-06-2023
1:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
Fall Option
Rowan Scout Training Center
Saturday 10-21-2023
1:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
Rowan Scout Training Center
Saturday 05-06-2023
1:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
Fall Option
Rowan Scout Training Center
Saturday 10-21-2023
1:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past