Wallwood Outdoor Weekend (WOW)
Wallwood Outdoor Weekend
May 10, 2025
Location: WBSR / 9:00am - 3:00pm
Please bring your own lunch, snacks may be purchased in the Trading Post
We're finalizing the plans for this WOW, but below is an overview of typical programs that we offer.
Wallwood Outdoor Weekend – Aquatics Program Overview
The May Wallwood Outdoor Weekend may is Aquatics Themed! Come on out and enjoy a plethora of water based activities, all for just $10 admission!!! Activities to include, but are not limited to:
- Make this your END OF THE YEAR PARTY!!! This water themed WOW is the water party OF THE YEAR!! We have slip and slide kickball, Water Games, Free Swim, an inflatable water slide and so much more!!! Put this on your Unit Calendar today!!!
Reserve your spot today!!! Keep an eye out here and in the upcoming editions of the newsletter and social media as we finalize our plans!
So, signup now and plan to attend this fun event!
Make sure to complete the Firearms Permission Form attached on this page and bring it with you - Must be complete for all shooters and signed by a parent!
A parent/adult partner must accompany Cub Scouts in all activities and must be in the canoe during the aquatics activities, when offered.
Units may organize an overnight camping element by following the unit camping procedures established for Wallwood and contacting Dennis Whisenant at Dennis.Whisenant@scouting.org to make the arrangements