Wallwood Outdoor Weekend (WOW)
Wallwood Outdoor Weekend
Jan 20, 2024
Location: WBSR / 9:00am - 3:00pm
This event has been postponed due to weather. Please look forward to an annoucement regarding the rescheduled event date!
Please bring your own lunch, snacks may be purchased in the Trading Post
We're finalizing the plans for this WOW, but below is an overview of typical programs that we offer.
Wallwood Outdoor Weekend – Program Overview
Calling all troops and crews!!!! Be a part of something new and awesome!!! January WOW this year will be a Camporee 101. We are asking Scout Masters of Troops and Crews to sign up to teach Camporee Skills in a round-robin Format. Leadership for each troop will be reviewing with their own scouts, then putting on 1 hr classes for other units as they come around! Prizes for the best presentation and competitions with flag ribbons awarded for the winners!!! Pioneering, Orienteering, Fire races, Rifle shoot, cooking competitions, Campsite awards, best skit, best song and more!
2025 WOW Camporee 101 Leader's Guide HERE
So, signup now and plan to attend this fun event!
Make sure to complete the Firearms Permission Form attached on this page and bring it with you - Must be complete for all shooters and signed by a parent!
A parent/adult partner must accompany Cub Scouts in all activities and must be in the canoe during the aquatics activities, when offered.
Units may organize an overnight camping element by following the unit camping procedures established for Wallwood and contacting Dennis Whisenant at Dennis.Whisenant@scouting.org to make the arrangements