University of Scouting
Event Details
University of Scouting
March 1, 2025
The Dean of the University, Jenni Briggs, has been working hard along with the UoS staff to prepare another great day of training.
There are classes for Adult leaders/parents, Venturing Crews, Youth members (including cub scouts), and Den Chiefs.
We have many popular classes returning, such as:
- Cub Scout Tract-Day camp for cub scouts with fun and exciting activities (such as a visit from TPD officers and an exhibit of some southeastern US reptiles and amphibians!) (Camp is intended for the scouts whose parents are teaching or taking classes. We'd love for you all to join us!)
- 2 Scout Tracts
- Scout Skills Path- Knots, lashings and fire making skills
- Merit Badges
- Dutch Oven Cooking - all day stop by 3rd or 6th period if you don’t sing up for the class.
- Leader Training (Youth and Adult)
- First Aid and CPR certification - ($2 for youth and adults) (2 sessions for youth and adults)
- Understanding and Preventing Youth on Youth Abuse
- Required for staffing Cub Scout Day Camp and Scouts BSA Summer Camp, NYLT, and Woodbadge
- While not required for anything else, we highly encourage all adult leaders to consider taking this course.
- Games
- Merit badge, knots and lashing for scouts
- As well as some new classes that you won't want to miss and.. LOTS of FUN!
Registration is FREE and ends on February 25th.
When & Where