Wood Badge 2024

Wood Badge Courses 2024
WB 24-1 at Philmont Scout Ranch September 23-27, 2024
*Participants must check-in at Philmont Scout Ranch by 6 PM on September 22nd*
Who may participate? Complete a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record – parts A, B, and C and meet height, weight, and blood pressure requirements upon arrival and be approved for participation by the on-site Philmont medical staff.
Please Note: Staff and Participants who do not meet these requirements upon arrival will be prohibited from participating in the course.
Height/Weight Requirements at Philmont
BSA Annual Health and Medical Record- parts A, B and C
WB 24-2 at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch Weekend 1: October 11-13, 2024 Weekend 2: October 26-27, 2024
Purpose of Wood Badge
The purpose of Wood Badge is to develop skilled leaders who can strengthen Scouting units in achieving the mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
When we accomplish the mission of Scouting, we do it in the units. Therefore, the short form of the purpose is, the purpose of Wood Badge is to strengthen units.
Although the course is different today, what Baden-Powell said in 1919 still applies:
"One of the purposes of Wood Badge training is to get Scouters to think about the practice of Scouting, to meet together, to exchange experiences, and to live together in the spirit of the Scout Oath."
Philmont Scout Ranch
Monday 09-23-2024 8:00 AM CT to
Friday 09-27-2024 6:00 PM CT Past
Wood badge SR2 Weekend 1
Sid Richardson Scout Ranch
Friday 10-11-2024 7:30 AM CT to
Sunday 10-13-2024 5:00 PM CT Past
Wood badge SR2 Weekend 2
Sid Richardson Scout Ranch
Saturday 10-26-2024 7:30 AM CT to
Sunday 10-27-2024 5:00 PM CT Past