Sid Richardson Scout Ranch Work Day

Sid Richardson Scout Ranch Workday
Calling all Troops, Ships, Crews, Posts, and Scouters!
Need service or conservation hours and/or have an appreciation for Sid Richardson Scout Ranch? Come on out & join in helping us keep this beautiful camp in great condition.
All working trades are welcome! (Yes, we have tasks for all types of experience). If able, please bring your hand saws and manually powered pole saws for trimming trees! Registered Scouters may bring and use a powered pole saw and / or chainsaw, provided they have current BSA Chainsaw certification. You must provide proof of current certification, and bring the proper safety equipment for using their equipment. You also need to bring your own gasoline mix, bar oil,and / or batteries.
Work projects include building the new armory, framing, drywall, repairing fiberglass on sailboats, work on boat trailers, and much, much, more! Please wear work clothes - long sleeve shirt, long pants, and work gloves.
The workday will be hosted from 8AM – 4PM, you do not have to stay the full day.
Please RSVP online. Please bring your own snacks and water bottle.
Questions, please contact: