Cub Camp-Killeen, Temple, & Surrounding Areas

Get ready to put your imagination to the test at CAMP CURIOSITY's Invention Convention! This isn’t just any Cub Camp—it’s a three-day adventure where your scout will dream, build, and create!
Our Cub Scout inventors will dive into hands-on experiments, build wacky contraptions, tackle fun STEM challenges, and explore the world of amazing inventions. Add in some outdoor fun of shooting sports, orienteering, games, skits, and songs and your Cub Scout will have fun like never before!
WHO: Boys and girls ages 6-10 (grades 1-5 for the 2025-2026 school year). First graders (age 6) must bring an adult chaperone to join in the fun!
WHEN: May 30 - June 1, 2025
TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM daily
WHERE: Salado ISD Administration Building and Fields (601 N. Main St, Salado, TX 76571)
Grab your lab goggles, roll up your sleeves, and get ready for CAMP CURIOSITY!
Frequently Asked Questions
Documentation required for all day camp participants:
Cub Scout Campers: BSA Health Forms A+B
Adult Chaperones: BSA Health Forms A+B, YPT certificate
Adult Volunteers: BSA Health Forms A+B, YPT certificate, Hazardous Weather Training, Youth on Youth Abuse training (offered virtually)
Youth Volunteers: BSA Health Forms A+B, Hazardous Weather Training
What does my youth get for the registration fee?
Your youth receives the following for attending Cub Camp - one t-shirt (request the size in the registration form), a Cub Camp patch, and three days of fun-filled creating and inventing! We have donors who are generously providing lunch each day for the youth scouts, however, we cannot make special accommodations for dietary needs. When the menu is published please pack a lunch for any meal your cub scout will not eat.
How much and when does registration close?
Registration fees are $75 per youth until midnight on Friday, May 2. After that, prices increase to $90 per youth. The last day of registration is Friday, May 16th.
What does my youth have to bring?
Youth need to have four items for each day. Please label EVERYTHING with your Cub Scout's first and last name!
Water Bottle
Sun Protection
Two Snacks
Camp Chair
Who is in charge of my youth during Cub Camp?
BSA-trained adult volunteers and youth staff will be leading specific programming activities or managing groups of youth as they enjoy their time at camp. All leaders hold current certification in Youth Protection training through Scouts BSA. We are thankful for our adult and youth staff volunteers!
Can I be an adult volunteer?
Yes! We are accepting applications for a limited number of BSA-certified and YPT-trained adult volunteer leaders to be part of this Cub Camp experience. Your participation in Cub Camp is FREE and your volunteer time can be logged for service hours. Adult volunteers must be vetted, agree to a background and character reference check, and attend a mandatory Cub Camp orientation training on Sunday, May 18 from 2 to 5 PM. Adult volunteers cannot double as an adult chaperone for a youth unless they are the Walking Den Leader for their Scout's Den. You will receive one adult staff t-shirt to thank you for your hard work and help. Applications for adult staff closes April 25, 2025. Please complete the vetting application here:
Questions? Email
Can I be a Youth Volunteer?
Yes! We are accepting a limited number of Youth Staff Volunteers. You must have participated in Troop Scouts for at least 1-year to apply as Cub Camp Youth Staff. Your participation in Cub Camp is FREE and your volunteer time can be logged for service hours. Youth volunteers will be vetted through their scoutmaster and must agree to take Hazardous weather training and provide health forms A+B. Youth voluntters must be able to attend a mandatory Cub Camp orientation training on Sunday, May 18 from 2 to 5 PM. Youth staff will be leading the dens and programming using the EDGE method during Cub Camp. You will receive one Youth staff t-shirt to thank you for your hard work and help. Applications for youth staff closes April 25, 2025. Please complete the vetting application here:
Questions? Email
Adult Chaperones:
One adult chaperone for each Tiger Cub Scout may register and attend cub camp free of charge. You must register at the same time as you register your Tiger scout. You must be present all three days of day camp, provide us a YPT trained certificate and Health Forms A+B.
Scouts with special needs that require a chaperone may also register for free. You must be present all three days of day camp, provide us a YPT trained certificate and Health Forms A+B. Please reach out to Camp Director, Anna Larson at to arrange for all special accommodations necessary and to register as an adult chaperone for a scout with special needs.
We have limited space for additional adult chaperones. Adult chaperones for all other scouts are welcome to join campers at Cub Camp for a nominal charge of $20.
Adult chaperones are there to spend time with one Cub Camper. We ask that you leave your phones off and put away. Adult chaperones are not Cub Camp staff and cannot act as an adult staff member in any capacity. Adult Chaperones do not have to be registered Scouts BSA leaders, but must provide Health Forms A+B and a YPT trained certificate to be allowed to attend Cub Camp. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is to ensure that all adults on site understand the protection policies we have in place for our youth. No meals will be provided to adult chaperones. Adult chaperones do not receive a Cub Camp t-shirt for free, but you can order one through the registration portal.