Annular Eclipse Adventure - View the Ring of Fire!

The annular solar eclipse is an awesome celestial event that dramatically changes the appearance of the two biggest objects we see in the sky: The Sun and Moon. Solar eclipses are visible when the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun align.
Choose your Eclipse Adventure!
1. Experience the annular solar eclipse with us at Hills and Hollows on October 14th, 2023.
The LHC STEM committee has put together Eclipse activities for families to experience eclipse awesomeness together.
Activities include: Field Games, Paper Airplane Construction, Build a Balloon Powered Sled, Build a Model Solar System, Earth/Sun Geometry, Our Sun is a Star - Creating Constellations, Build a Solar Eclipse Viewer, & Viewing the Eclipse!
2. Want to experience the eclipse at home? No Problem! Order the Eclipse in a Box!
Each Eclipse box includes supplies & instructions for 4 participants.
Activities include: Paper Airplane Construction, Build a Balloon Powered Sled, Earth/Sun Geometry, Our Sun is a Star (Creating Constellations), Build a Solar Viewer (Pinhole Camera).
You'll also receive 4 solar eclipse viewing glasses and patches for each participant.
Supplies you'll need to complete the activities are: Glue, Tape, Scissors, Sticky Tac, Ruler, Marker, Flashlight.
Additional Information:
If Scouts want to earn Awards/Adventures associated with the eclipse, they will need to watch some background videos (linked below) to learn about astronomy, space related jobs, and Scouts who are astronauts.
The Eclipse activities include requirements for the following awards: Lion (Gizmos + Gadgets & Rumble in the Jungle [in-person only]). Tiger (The Sky's The Limit). Wolf-Webelos (NOVA: Out of this World).
Each participant will receive an Eclipse Patch. Patches will be ordered & mailed out after the event registration closes.
Background Video Links:
Introduction to Astronomy: Crash Course Astronomy #1
Naked Eye Observations: Crash Course Astronomy #2
Cycles in the Sky: Crash Course Astronomy #3
Moon Phases: Crash Course Astronomy #4
Eclipses: Crash Course Astronomy #5
Telescopes: Crash Course Astronomy #6
DRONE Solar System Model- How far is Planet 9?
Student of the stars: How do you become an astronomer?
Astronaut/Eagle Scout, Col. Fossum talks how scouting impacted him
Properties of Matter for Kids | Science Lesson for Grades 3-5
What is Force? | Contact Force and Non-Contact Force | Science Lesson for Kids
Hills and Hollows
Saturday 10-14-2023
10:00 AM CT to 2:00 PM CT Past
Eclipse in a Box
Hurst Service Center
Saturday 10-14-2023
10:15 AM CT to 2:00 PM CT Past