Great Rivers Council - Exploration Virtual Merit Badge Workshop

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Exploration Virtual Merit Badge Workshop

Event Details

Merit Badge Description: Exploration is designed to celebrate your spirit of adventure. After learning about the history and importance of exploration - like when Eagle Scout Paul Siple traveled to Antarctica or when Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong landed on the moon - you will prepare for and go on an actual expedition. Don't worry; you don't have to go to Mount Everest or the Marianas Trench. You only have to plan and take a trip to somewhere of interest to you. It can be close by or far away. It can be a troop activity or a small-scale excursion. The primary goal is to learn something - and have fun doing it.

Requirements to be completed on own (can be turned in before or after class):

  • Requirements 6, 7, and 8 will need to completed on one's own.  You may email the requirements to the counselor before or after class. Please note that your expedition must have an objective or goal. An example would be going to your backyard with the goal of identifying different bird species. Going on an outing for fun does not count as an expedition.  

Important Information (please read):

  • Scouts are required to have access to a computer/laptop with video & microphone access and reliable internet. Once registered, Scouts will be emailed a Zoom invitation no less than 24 hours before their class.
  • This class will be capped at 40 Scouts
  • Electronic blue cards will be emailed to Scouts upon completion of the badge. 
When & Where
Exploration Virtual Merit Badge
Tuesday 12-06-2022
6:00 PM CT to 8:30 PM CT Past
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