Oak Leaf Leader Training Spring 2024

Oak Leaf Leader Training Spring
Camp Long Lake
Saturday, May 11th - Sunday, May 12th, 2024
The Potawatomi Area Council invites you to participate in the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skill and Scoutmaster Specific Training course. This is a fun-filled program with hands on experiences and practical Scoutmaster information. The course is designed to help you with basic camp skills and get a better grasp of the meaning “Youth Lead Troop”. The skill you will acquire will help the young men and women to achieve their goals of reaching First Class and beyond.
Scoutmaster Specific Training is required to be completed before you arrive for Oak Leaf. To complete this online course please log into your my.scouting account and click “My Trainings.” From there click through the Scouts BSA portion of the Trainings and select “Scoutmaster Position Specific Training.” Enroll and that, and bring either a printout or a screenshot of the certificate once you complete the course. Once that is completed, you also need to take the “Troop Committee Chair Position Specific Training” and the “Troop Committee Position Specific Training” along with “Hazardous Weather Training.” Again, please bring proof of completion to registration on Saturday.
Oak Leaf is the outdoor and hands on portion of the full training. Please bring a tent, and all necessary equipment you may need for an overnight campout. Keep in mind, this is a campout at the end of April in Wisconsin. Please be prepared for cold or warm nights as we never know how the weather will be. A completed health form A&B is also required to bring to the course.