Chippewa Valley Council - 2023 Webelos Woods

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2023 Webelos Woods

Event Details

Camp Phillips

All Webelos 1, Arrow of Light Scouts and Scout Troops are Encoraged to Attend!

Everybody must bring health form part A&BSorry, we can't reference health forms from this past summer.

All Troops and Dens MUST pre-register.

What Is It:  WEBELOS Woods is an outdoor and over-night program designed to introduce WEBELOS and their parents to a variety of ScoutsBSA activities. It helps make the transition into ScoutsBSA more exciting. The weekend is filled with fun activities, intriguing demonstrations, and plenty of outdoor excitement. WEBELOS dens will rotate through a variety of activity stations staffed by ScoutsBSA Troops. Scouts explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable the WEBELOS to work on Scout skills and play outdoor games.

An emphasis is put on hands-on activities. ScoutsBSA Troops may check in between 7-9pm on Friday night or 8-8:45am on Saturday morning, and WEBELOS should check in between 8-8:45am on Saturday morning.

Who Can Participate:  All WEBELOS I and II, their parents, and leaders are invited to participate in the weekend event. ScoutsBSA Troops are highly encouraged to attend to staff an activity station and to host a Camp Site.

Where:  The event is held at Camp Phillips (ScoutsBSA Camp) at LE Phillips Scout Reservation.
Activity stations will be held in the main areas of Camp. On Saturday night, WEBELOS and WEBELOS Adults have the opportunity to camp in a Boy Scout Campsite with a Host Troop. WEBELOS and their adults sleep in cabins or they can use their own tents. Boy Scout Troops bring their own tents to use in their assigned campsite.

What is the Cost?:  

2023 Webelos Woods Fees
Early Bird Rate
Registered & paid before 11:59 p.m. Tues 9/19/23.
$15 $15
Regular Rate
Registered before 11:59 p.m. Thurs 9/21/23.
$20 $20
Walk-In Rate $25 $25


Meals: Your fees include Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday evening’s Cracker Barrel. For Saturday evening's cracker barrel, we will provide you ingredients for dutch oven cobbler. Troops must bring their own dutch ovens.

What About Adult Leadership?:  Each WEBELOS Den must have at least two adults/parents in attendance at this event. Of course, Troops must have proper Two-Deep Leadership, too. If adults are attending training sessions, there must be one adult staying with WEBELOS/AOL den. 

Participant Guide: Click Here

Packing List for Webelos/AOL: Click Here 

Packing List for Scouts BSA: Click Here


When & Where
ScoutsBSA Troop- Friday Arrival
Phillips Scout Reservation
Friday 09-22-2023 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 09-24-2023 12:00 PM CT Past
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Cub Scout- Webelos or AOL - Saturday Arrival Only
Phillips Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-23-2023 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 09-24-2023 10:00 AM CT Past
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Scouts BSA Troop - Saturday Arrival
Phillips Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-23-2023 7:00 AM CT to
Sunday 09-24-2023 12:00 PM CT Past
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Scouts BSA Troop Saturday ONLY
Phillips Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-23-2023
7:00 AM CT to 5:00 PM CT Past
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