Bay-Lakes Council - Rokilio Experience

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Rokilio Experience

Event Details

Let's get outside and experience the outdoor adventure of Camp Rokilio! 

The Rokilio Experience is an exciting introduction to the meaning of summer camp, with an opportunity for youth and parents to see camp in action. Parents & youth will experience their first adventure at Camp Rokilio together in this one day event filled with exciting activities including; archery, BB Gun range, sling shots, capture the flag, and several more fun-filled activities. Games and activities may include open field games such as poison ball and disc golf, 9 square in the air, ga-ga ball, nature activity, and many other games and activities!  Extra experiences include: blacksmithing, outdoor dutch oven cooking, story telling, and gem mining!

Tour the camp and see our theme buildings (Kohler Castle, Fort JJ Keller, Oertle Train Station and Gunderson Viking Ship). What is a theme building? Come join us and find out. If you have thought about and dreamed of summer camp, the Rokilio Experience is created just for you. 

You'll also learn about and, potentially, tour the infamous Camp Rokilio bog with a self-guided tour (weather dependent).

All Cub Scouts (including registered Lions), Webelos, and AOL Scouts are welcome to attend.  If you are not currently a Scout and are interested in joining -- you are absolutely invited to come and learn more about Scouting as well as the camp.

Webelos & AOL Scouts can experience what a Scouts BSA campsite is like, with hands on stations in a real campsite, showing how a Troop operates on a campout.  Webelos/AOL's can see things like: building a fire, tent set up, how a kitchen and axe yard is set up, the patrol method, lashings projects, skit practice, and much more. This event will be running after lunch from 1-3pm in Rosie Field.

Dens and Packs can come out together and enjoy the experience together, or come out and spend the day with your child!  All you need to do is to relax and enjoy all the activities!  A camp lunch will be served in the dining hall and will include many camp songs!  A new event patch will be given out to all participants for 2025.

Registration will begin at 8:00am, with the opening flag ceremony at 9:00am at The Welcome Center, with activity stations opening up at 9:15am. The Closing Campfire will begin at 3:15pm and will include many camp songs and skits!  The program will be wrapping up at 4:00pm after the closing campfire. 

A completed copy of the Health and Medical Form Parts A & B is required for each Scout and adult attending (see document in registration site).  

Please enter through the north side entrance and park by the Welcome Center.

When & Where
Camp Rokilio
Saturday 05-17-2025
8:00 AM CT to 4:00 PM CT
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