2023 Merit Badge Workshop
Join us for a day of fun and learning. Most merit badge classes are expected to take around 6 hours to complete. Some badges may have requirements for Scouts to finish after they leave. This is a one day event, however if troops would like to camp for the weekend sites will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Saturday lunch will be the only meal provided. Dietary restrictions beyond Gluten Free, may need to bring a bag lunch.
All of the prerequisites are loaded into the system, once youth are registered with a class selected, go to the reports tab and select the report: “Class Prerequisites by Participant”. This will generate a 1 page report for each scout that will list all prerequisites for the badge selected.
Workshop Schedule:
8:30 am - Registration
9:00 am - Program Starts
12:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - Program Resumes
4:00 pm - Depart for home
Truck Transportation Merit Badge - Prerequisite: 3, 6, 7, 9
Pets Merit Badge - Prerequisite: 2, 4
Leatherwork Merit Badge
Game Design Merit Badge
Entrepreneurship Merit Badge
Open Shoot
Bear Paw Scout Camp
Saturday 05-13-2023
8:30 AM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past