Gathering Waters District Pinewood Derby

When: Sunday, March 2nd, 2025
Where: Spring Road Elementary, 1191 County Rd II, Neenah
Check-in: Between Noon-1pm, Pre Race events:1pm, Race Begins:1:30pm
*Concessions will be available for purchase (cash only); hotdogs, popcorn, cookies, water.
Cost: $5.00 per racer
*Registration should be done online before the event, we will take walk-ins, but that will prolong the check-in process for all.
Divisions will be:
Cub Scouts *Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, along with a Best Design trophy.
Scouts BSA *Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, along with a Best Design trophy.
Adults and non-Scout Siblings *Trophy will be awarded for 1st place.
All participants will receive a 2025 Pinewood Derby patch!
This event is open to all racers, no matter how you finished in your Pack's Derby.
There will be a two lane Loop da Loop feature added to the track, after the official races are over with. Cars doing the Loop da Loop, may be damaged, so be aware of this, if you choose to do this added event. Click for Loop da Loop demo video.
*Please review the rules for the race, in the attached document. These rules may differ from your Pack's rules, so make sure your car is built according to the Gathering Waters District rules.
Thank you to our sponsor, Insta Print Plus, for their donation to this event, which helps to keep the entry cost down to a low amount.