WRD Merit Badge Day & Adult Training Extravaganza

WRD Merit Badge Day & Adult Training Extravaganza
March 24, 2018
Eagle Required Merit Badge Clinic & Training
Cost is $5 and includes a hot lunch
St Peters Lutheran School, 345 N Locust St, Reedsburg
All badges require the Scout to have read the Merit Badge Booklet for that Badge!!!!
First Aid
Please complete requirement 2d. Bring a photo of its contents and discuss it with your counselor. Be ready to participate actively to earn the badge in a day.
Emergency Preparedness
Must have First Aid Merit Badge
Some items MUST be completed before or after the clinic to get your badge.
Complete requirement 2 b & 2 c with your family and bring a written plan for the 10 emergencies.
Complete 7 & 8 a with your Troop or Local Emergency Agency. Examples of activities are fire drills, tornado drills, mass casualty drills, missing person. Agencies could be Police, Fire, EMS, Hospital, or Troop. Please provide proof such as photos or a signed note from the agency.
8 c Please complete and bring your Emergency Service Pack/Family Kit to discuss (This is a well-planned kit that takes preparation not just thrown together the night before.)
Citizenship in the World
Just read the Merit Badge Book. No other prerequisites.
Complete requirement 3 or be ready to give a 5 minute speech.
Complete 4 and 5 and take notes to discuss with the group.
Complete 8 complete a program for court of honor, campfire, or Scouts’ Own service and host it
Adult Training includes Leader Specific Training
Cub Scouts - Cubmaster & Assistant Cubmaster 9 am - Noon, Den Leaders 9 am - Noon, Pack Committee 1 pm - 4 pm
Boy Scouts -
Scoutmaster & Assistant Scoutmaster 9 am - 2 pm - this course includes lunch and has a $5.00 fee, Troop Committee 1 pm - 4 pm
Venturing -
Crew Advisor & Associate Advisors 9 am - 2 pm - This course includes lunch and has a $5.00 fee, Crew Committee 1 pm - 4 pm
Youth Protection Training 1 pm - 2 pm, Merit Badge Counselor Training 2 pm - 3 pm
Adult Training Lunch - If you will be taking training in both the morning and afternoon and would like to order lunch for $5.00 please register for lunch and pay the $5.00 fee.
If you have questions please contact Julus Pahl at Juluspahl@hotmail.com or Tom Cline at zamman@mhtc.net
St. Peter's Lutheran School
Saturday 03-24-2018
9:00 AM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past