Wisconsin River NEW Cub Scout Rocket Launch
Event Details

Wisconsin River District Rocket Launch!
This event is mainly for all NEW Cub Scouts! Every new Cub Scout will receive a "build-your-own" rocket at a fall recruitment sign-up. This event is an opportunity for those new Cubs to launch their rocket and have fun with other new Cub Scouts.
Existing Cub Scouts will be able to participate by purchasing a rocket for $5. Click the register button on this page and find the "Existing Cub Scout" button to register and purchase. Rockets can be picked up at the Madison Scout Service Center or coordinated to pick up from local Pack.
Wednesday, September 28th
4:00 - 6:30 PM
Meyer Oak Grove Park, 780 Phillips Blvd, Sauk City, WI 53583
When & Where
Wisconsin River Rocket Launch
Meyer Oak Grove Park
Wednesday 09-28-2022
4:15 PM CT to 6:30 PM CT Past
Meyer Oak Grove Park
Wednesday 09-28-2022
4:15 PM CT to 6:30 PM CT Past