Cindy Leatherman Retirement Party
Time to Celbrate Cindy Leatherman and her 21 years of service to Scouting!
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Location: VFW Post 8483, 5737 County Hwy CV, Madison, Wi 53704
Time: 3 pm to 4 pm gathering and social, 4 pm program and recognition, 5 pm dinner
The OA cook crew is cooking up a feast for Cindy's party - Steak and Shrimp Kabob's, garlic mash potatoes, seasonal vegetables, and Strawberry short cake. We will have Coffee and Lemonade for drinks. Cost for the meal will be $15 and pre-registration by May 11, 2022 will be required.
There will be a cash bar. There are picnic tables but you might want to bring your camp chair for extra seating.
Cindy is hoping to do some traveling after she retires so the council is collecting donations for a cash retirement gift it you would like to donate there will be an option for you to make a donation and we will present that to Cindy even if you can not attend.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating Cindy's years of service to Scouting. Below is the full retirement announcement.
Congratulations to Cindy Leatherman on her Retirement!
Whether you are a parent of a new Scout or have been an active Scouter for years, you have spoken with our always helpful Registrar and Office Manager, Cindy Leatherman. After 21 years of dedicated service to the Glaciers Edge Council, Cindy has announced her retirement, effective May 31, 2022. Cindy started her professional life with BSA in 2001 working as Registrar and fundraising specialist for Four Lakes Council at our office on Schroeder Court in Madison. She soon added the role of Eagle Scout processor to her duties.
Cindy has been directly involved with many important changes during her tenure, including:
- The merger of Four Lakes & Sinnissippi Councils into Glaciers Edge Council in 2005
- The move to our current building in 2007
- The transfer from a triplicate paper form to online advancement processing to Scoutbook
- Converting to internet rechartering in 2008-09 and now in 2022.
The highlight of her Scouting career was working and interacting with Volunteers and Scouters during her workday as well as during her off-hours. Cindy is also a former committee member for Troop 144 and earned her Wood Badge beads as a member of the Fox Patrol, C7-620-16.
Cindy is proud of her work with the professional and volunteer Scouters that she has met through the years. She is especially proud of the Eagle Scouts whose applications she has processed, 2,431 and counting!
On behalf of our Council, Executive Board, staff, volunteers, and Scouts we thank Cindy for her dedication, skill, and passion as we wish her our very best.
VFW Post 8483
Sunday 05-15-2022
3:00 PM CT to 6:00 PM CT Past