2022 Ed Bryant Scout Reservation Stewards

2022 Camp Steward Program
Ed Bryant Scout Reservation
Annual Meeting: November 13th, 2022
10:30am-10:45am Steward Check-in
10:45am–11:30am Stewards Select Projects
11:45am – 1:30pm Five-Course ScoutsGiving Meal
The EBSR Camp Stewards would like to invite you to join them in supporting Ed Bryant Scout Reservation through our 2022 EBSR Steward Program. Individuals, units, and organizations can become a Camp Steward for the year by donating into the Camp Steward program. For 2022, the donation amount is $150.
All EBSR Camp Stewards are invited to join your fellow Stewards at 10:30 on Sunday, November 13th, 2022 for our annual gathering. During our meeting we will select the projects we wish to fund for the upcoming year.
New this year! We will adjourn our meeting by 11:30am to join our fellow volunteers, Commissioners, Board Members, and professional staff for a delicious five-course ScoutsGiving meal. This fundraising event will provide us an opportunity to give thanks for everything Scouting offers, to enjoy great fellowship, and to celebrate the season with a traditional five-course Thanksgiving meal. We will also have a short presentation during the meal, where you will be recognized as a Camp Steward, and we will share with the group our proposed contributions for next year.
Every Steward donation includes registration for the ScoutsGiving meal. All EBSR Stewards are encouraged to bring your spouses, significant others, and/or children. Additional tickets for the ScoutsGiving, five-course fundraising meal are $50 per person ($15 for kids under 18). 100% of the proceeds from this dinner will be used to support our Council Program.
If you are not able to join us on November 13th, 2022, you can still become a 2022 Camp Steward. You will receive recognition, be listed in our annual program, and receive a list of all of the projects that were funded.
How does the Steward Program Work
The Camp Stewards consist of individuals and groups that come together and feel strongly about supporting the program at EBSR. Stewards range from current and former volunteers, camp staff alumni, current and former professionals, units, and others that care about camp.
Each EBSR Camp Steward donates $150 into the program to become a Camp Steward for the year. $100 of the donation is pooled together with other Steward donations to make a large pot of donations. For instance, if we had 100 Camp Stewards, we would have $10,000 to fund cool projects for camp!
Annually, the group of Stewards gets together and determines what projects should be funded by the pooled donations. In the past, many stewards also donated additional funds to sponsor specific projects or offer matching donations; however, this is not required. Your Steward donation must be in addition to your annual Friends of Scouting gift.
For any Stewards that are not able to make it to the annual meeting and meal, they will receive a report with what projects were funded.
What Have Camp Stewards Donated to Camp in the Past?
Metalworking Forge, Aquariums/terrariums, GPS units, Picnic Tables, Dining Hall Tables, New shotgun pavilion, Water Skis, Concrete Slabs, COPE elements, and more!
How are the projects decided?
The Camp Stewards determine what projects are funded, from a list of proposed projects, at their annual meeting. The Camp Stewards Volunteer Coordinator collects project ideas from the Council Camping and Properties Committee, Program Director, and Summer Camp Staff Close Out Reports to develop a list of potential projects. This list is approved by the Council and then presented to the Stewards to choose from.
Contact Dan Williams – Volunteer Camp Steward Coordinator
dan@missingarrow.com or (608)576-1608
Ed Bryant Scout Reservation
Sunday 11-13-2022
10:30 AM CT to 2:00 PM CT Past