Mountaineer Preparedness Weekend at Camp Mountaineer

Mountaineer Preparedness Weekend!
October 7 - 9, 2022
Saturday only participants welcome!
Targeted to Troops and Crews, local health partners are planning a day at Camp Mountaineer to include first aid and emergency preparedness training, as well as various activities throughout Camp!
Units will select their campsite during registration. The event staff reserve the right to adjust campsite assignments to best accommodate the sizes of units attending. Units will be able to submit one registration online now and continue to add additional youth and adults until September 30.
WHO: Troops and Crews
WHEN: Friday, October 7 - Sunday, October 9, 2022
Events on Saturday, October 8 begin at 7:30AM, and conclude at 6:00PM.
CHECK-IN: Friday, October 7; 4:00 - 8:00PM
CHECK-OUT: Sunday, October 9; by 10:30AM
WHERE: Camp Mountaineer
PRICE: $20 per Scout ($15 if paid by Sept 1). $0 per adult. Includes campsite reservation fee, event patch, all program experiences and Friday night cracker barrel. Note: units are responsible for their own meals throughout weekend camping.
SATURDAY ONLY PARTICIPANTS: $12 per Scout. $0 per adult. Includes event patch and all program experiences. Scouts are responsible for their own meals on Saturday. All Saturday participants must attend under their Troop's leadership. This means Scouts must have a buddy, and at least two adults registered in their unit. Saturday only participants should plan to check in as a unit at 7:00AM at the Welcome Center. See attached schedule.
Partner Agencies:
Monongalia EMS
HealthNet Aeromedical
Monongalia County Health Department
Mountaineer Area Rescue Group
Monongalia County Emergency Management / MECCA 9-1-1
Troops will rotate through hand-on demonstrations including:
Search & Rescue
Rescue Equipment
Medical Helicopter
Radiation Safety
Wilderness Care
Personal Protective Equipment
First Aid
Vital Signs
Search Operations
Patient Packaging
Stop the Bleed
See attached schedule of events!
Camp Mountaineer
Friday 10-07-2022 4:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-09-2022 10:30 AM ET Past
Saturday ONLY Session
Camp Mountaineer
Saturday 10-08-2022
7:30 AM ET to 6:00 PM ET Past