Mountaineer Area Council - Merit Badge University @ WVU

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Merit Badge University @ WVU

Event Details

14th Annual Merit Badge University
at West Virginia University


Merit Badge University is an opportunity for Scouts BSA members to work on an array of merit badges taught by professors and professionals of West Virginia's flagship institution. Classes are taught throughout the day, and if prerequisites are met, Scouts typically can complete an entire merit badge (or two) in one day while being taught by experts in the field!

WHEN: Saturday, March 1, 2025 


WHERE: Classes will be held on the campus of West Virginia University in Morgantown. This year's check-in and check-out location for all badges is the WVU Mountainlair, located on the downtown campus. A pin of the location can be found here Parking is available for FREE in the WVU Mountainlair parking garage, attached to the venue. 

8:15 - 9:00AM     Check-in on 2nd floor of WVU Mountainlair, Mountainlair Ballrooms. All Scouts must be physically signed in by an adult responsible for them. 

12:30 PM              Check-out on 2nd floor of WVU Mountainlair, Mountainlair Ballrooms for any Scout taking ONLY a morning class. 
12:30 - 1:00 PM    Check-in on 2nd floor of WVU Mountainlair, Mountainlair Ballrooms for any Scout taking a ONLY an afternoon class. 

4:30 - 5:00PM     Check-out on 2nd floor of WVU Mountainlair, Mountainlair Ballrooms. All Scouts must be physically signed out by an adult responsible for them. 

NOTE: Check-in will NOT be available prior to 8:15AM. Please remain with your Scout until check-in is completed by the MBU staff. 

NOTE: All Scouts will be led to and from their classroom locations. Some classrooms are located inside the Mountainlair. Some classrooms are located on the downtown campus, while some are located on the Evansdale or Health Sciences campus (across town). Scouts may need to travel via WVU's above-ground Personal Rapid Transit system or via WVU-owned and employee-driven vans. Scouts will always be supervised while in the classrooms, and during transit.  Scouts taking a morning class and a separate afternoon class will be led to and from their classrooms. 

OPTIONAL OFFERINGS FOR ADULTS: these classes will be held in the ballrooms on the 2nd floor of the Mountainlair. Registration is not required. 

  • 10:00 - 12:00     Wood BadgeTicket Assistance
  • 12:00 - 1:00       Adult and Youth Awards - You Might Not Know About These! 
  • 1:00 - 2:00         New Mountaineer Area Council Leadership Open Forum
  • 2:00 - 3:00         2026 National Scout Jamboree Interest Meeting 

REGISTRATION: will open MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 at 9:00AM. Registration closes on February 25, 2025 at 5:00PM. Note: the registration open and close times are such that if you have an issue with your registration, a member of the Mountaineer Area Council staff will be available to assit you prompty. 
Note: A BSA-registered adult Scouter will be needed in each of the classrooms to help manage logistics, as well as to help with check-in and check-out. Please register as "adult staff." Amy Garbrick will follow-up with all "adult staff". Note: do not register as adult staff if you are helping with the merit badge instruction. This adult staff registration is only for the one BSA-registered adult that will assigned to each classroom to help with logistics. If you are a WVU merit badge counselor and need help with registering, please email All "adult staff" will be coordinated by Amy Garbrick and will need to arrive to the WVU Mountainlair by 7:30AM. Additional information to follow via email. 

COST:  $25 per Scout; includes all program materials and 2025 event patch. Registrations are non-transferable. 

2025 Merit Badges to be offered:
(registration opens Monday, January 27, 2025 at 9:00AM) 




NOTE: Pre-reqs will be updated as soon as they are provided by the counselor.  As you may know, the entire list of merit badges offered by Scouting America underwent an overhaul as of January 2025.  Please be patient.



8:15 - 4:30


8:15 - 4:30

Perform a browning (or Maillard) reaction at home. This can involve toasting bread or browning onions, pancakes, or French toast. They should watch the following video prior to completing their Maillard reaction at home:  
Citizenship in Society 

8:15 - 4:30

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the subject matter of this merit badge, and at the request of West Virginia University merit badge counselors, only Scouts ages 14 and older will be permitted to register for this badge.



Composite Materials

8:15 - 4:30 Complete 4B; Read pamphlet.   
Crime Prevention (morning OR afternoon)

8:15 - 12:30
12:30 - 4:30 

2, 4a, 4b, 5  
(back for 2025!)

8:15 - 4:30

Read pamphlet; Requirement 6 - Do 2 from a, b, c, d, e.  
Disabilities Awareness
(new for 2025!)
8:15 - 4:30 None.  
Engineering 8:15 - 4:30
Requirement #2 and #5  


8:15 - 4:30

3. Identify and interview an individual who has started a business. Learn about this person's educational background, early work experiences, where the idea for the business came from, and what was involved in starting the business. Find out how the entrepreneur raised the capital (money) to start the business, examples of successes and challenges faced, and how the business is currently doing (if applicable).  
Environmental Science 
8:15 - 4:30
Requirements 2, 6 & 9  
(morning only)

8:15 - 12:30
Read pamphlet.  
First Aid  8:15 - 4:30

Look over and become familiar with the Scouting America Annual Health and Medical Record

Review the First Aid merit badge pamphlet. Note the new 2025 requirements

Assemble a personal first aid kit for hiking and backpacking and bring with you to the MBU; you will be asked to demonstrate the proper use of each item to your counselor. You can use checklists provided in the First Aid Merit Badge pamphlet for reference, or this article

Game Design 8:15 - 4:30 None  

Healthcare Professions

8:15 - 4:30

Pre-requisites and information for service project can be found here  
(morning only)
8:15 - 12:30
4a: Bring the two stories you wrote, one chronological, one inverted-pyramid, covering the same event (about 200 words each)  

(afternoon only)


12:30 - 4:30  None.  
Mining in Society

8:15 - 4:30

Will be going off campus in a van to a mine site; watch three videos below prior to class: 
1. Is Mining Important?
2. It Starts Here
3. Iron in our Electrical World 
4. Digital Transformation of Mining, Barick in partnership with Cisco

NOTE: The mine requires everyone to wear BOOTS. Tennis shoes are not permitted. Please dress for the weather.

Nuclear Science 
(back in 2025!)
8:15 - 4:30 None.  
(back in 2025!)
8:15 - 4:30 Read over the requirements for the Radio badge.  
8:15 - 4:30
Read pamphlet; the class will use a software called "Lego Mindstorms EV3." The instructor will bring a few laptops with the software pre-loaded. If any Scout wishes to bring a laptop with this free program already downloaded, the link is: It is not required to bring a laptop.  
8:15 - 4:30
Come prepared to spend 2 hours outside in the weather forecasted for Morgantown, WV on the date of MBU@WVU.   


OPTIONAL: For an additional $6 per person, all Scouts participating in MBU (as well as Scout families) will have the option to utilize the WVU Student Rec Center from 5:00 - 9:00PM on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Participants will have access to: 

  • Climbing wall, basketball courts, badminton courts, ping pong, racquetball and squash. Note: does not include use of the pool. 
  • Scouts wishing to use the WVU Rec Center after MBU may pay the $6 at the Rec Center. Reservation is not needed. 
  • Click here for directions to the WVU Student Rec Center.


Prior to completing this registration, Scouts should meet with their unit leaders. 

UNIFORM: All participants should wear a full BSA field uniform ("Class A") or its equivalent for their group. 


  • Pen and notebook/paper to take notes during merit badge classes and activities
  • Documentation of any prerequisite completion and a copy of the merit badge pamphlet
  • All Scouts registered for a full day must bring a lunch
  • Bottled water 

PRIOR TO MBU: Complete prerequisite requirements (listed above) and bring proof of completion to MBU. Obtain and read a copy of the BSA's merit badge pamphlet for your assigned merit badge(s). 

BLUE CARDS / ADVANCEMENT RECORDS: Physical blue cards or "blue sheets" will NOT be used. One week following Merit Badge University, Scout advancement records will be available electronically using the registration confirmation email. DO NOT DELETE YOUR REGISTRATION EMAIL. YOU WILL NEED IT TO ACCESS YOUR ADVANCEMENT RECORD. 

EVENT SPONSORSHIP: Merit Badge University is conducted in partnership with West Virginia University and Mountaineer Area Council. 


  • In the event a merit badge session is canceled, a full refund will be issued to those registered.
  • In the event that the Scout is no longer able to attend:
    • a partial refund of $20 will be issued if a cancellation email is sent to by Monday, February 17 and if the spot can be filled by another Scout 
    • no refunds will be issued for cancellations after Monday, February 17.




When & Where
West Virginia University
Saturday 03-01-2025
8:30 AM ET to 9:00 PM ET Past
More Information