Wilderness First Aid Training

Wilderness First Aid Training
March 29-30, 2025
Camp Mountaineer
WHO: older Scouts and adults
WHEN: Saturday, March 29, 2025 AND Sunday, March 30, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM each day
COST: $180 per attendee
Ever want advanced training in the art of wilderness first aid? The Mountaineer Area Council, in conjunction with the Mountaineer Area Rescue Group (MARG), will be putting on this 16-hour training following the BSA Wilderness First Aid curriculum.
The course will be over two days: March 29-30, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Lunch will be provided each day. For those who may be interested, overnight accommodations can be added on for Saturday night during registration (Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast would be on own).
Wilderness First Aid training is required for contingents going to BSA High Adventure Bases, for contingents going to the National Scout Jamboree, and is recommended for all leaders who take groups into areas where emergency services are delayed. This course is intended for adults and senior youth, assuming the ability to perform First Aid Merit Badge-level skills.
The cost of Wilderness First Aid classes can approach $500, but you can receive the training, the materials, lunch, and the certification for $180! This is a great opportunity for local Scouts and leaders at a price that’s tough to pass up. The certification is good for a two-year period.
If you have questions, please contact course coordinator, Carl Werntz at 304-290-2275 or cwerntz1@gmail.com.
Note: youth participants may only stay overnight if they are accompanied with two-deep leadership from their troop or crew.