Rainier Pinewood Derby
Rainier District Pinewood Derby
Join us for the 2025 Rainier Pinewood Derby. This event will be an opportunity for any Rainier Cub Scout to race their Pinewood cars against other Cub Scouts from across the district. Arrow of Light Scouts who may have just crossdover into a Troop prior to this event are welcome to participate. Each racer will need to register by March 30th. Please register sooner rather than later, this allows us to better prepare for the races!
Each Scout should build their cars using the Scout Shop Pinewood Derby Kit and following the rules attached to this event. Cars will be inspected, measured, and weighed before they race.
This is not a drop off event. A Scout needs to be with their guardian or with qualified leadership from their Pack.
As a reminder, this is a Scouting event. It is easy to get caught up in the races. We want to provide a positive ecperience for everyone involved and model sportsman like conduct for our Scouts. Anyone who is being unscoutlike may be asked to leave the event.
Outlaw Race
There will be an Outlaw Race. This race will be open to anyone, adults included, and the car does not need to follow the official rules. The car cannot be dangerous or damage the track in anyway when racing, and must fit on the track and be able to roll on its own. Those who wish to participate must register themselves for the outlaw race. If your scout would like to race a standard car and an outlaw car please register them for both sections.
Day of the Race
For the day of the event please make sure the car is in good condition. Please bring any extra supplies you may want for the race. There will be times that your Scout is not racing. You are all welcome to bring cheer on other racer! You are welcome to bring snacks and drinks. There will be concessionss for sale the day of the event.
There will be more information coming soon about the timing of each race.
If cost is a concern for anyone please reach out to Rachael.weaver@Scouting.org. We do not want finances to be a reason someone does not participate.
Who: Rainier Cub Scouts
When: Sunday, April 13th
Where: Puyallup Elks Lodge, 314 27th St NE, Puyallup, WA 98372
Cost: $10 per racer