AquaBot Challenge

Get ready for an exciting splash into robotics with the AquaBot Challenge, an underwater robot-building event, brought to you in partnership with SeaPerch. Perfect for scouts in grades 5-8, this event calls all young innovators to form teams of 3-6 to embark on a hands-on journey of engineering and teamwork.
What’s the mission? Your team will receive a SeaPerch kit to construct an underwater robot. Over eight weeks, you’ll turn pieces into a fully operational robot ready to face off in aquatic tasks. It’s not just about building; it’s about challenging your creativity and engineering skills to conquer underwater missions.
Kickoff Event: Join us on May 30, 2024, at the Creighton Scout Service Center from 6 PM to 8 PM. Leaders, this is your opportunity to get hands-on with the SeaPerch kit and learn everything you need to guide your scouts through their build. We'll provide the insights, tips, and a little bit of insider know-how to help you support your teams effectively.
Build Days: We are hosting build days for teams to attend and get assistance from our event leadership in building their bots. This is a great time to get some help with a new skill or in an area they may be having issues in. The build days are at the Creighton Scout Service Center from 6-8 pm, June 6, 11, and 13 and on July 23. Teams do not need to sign up for these build days.
Competition Day: The grand finale will see all teams’ robots diving into the pool, navigating through courses, and performing tasks in a display of innovation and teamwork. It's not just a test of your robot but a celebration of your hard work and ingenuity. This Competition will be held on August 10th, exact time and location TBA.
Prepare for fun, excitement, and a little bit of competition. Sharpen your tools and your minds – the AquaBot Challenge is here to make a splash in your Scouting year!
Registration must include 3-6 youth and an adult that will oversee the team for communication. Troops may have more than 1 team.
Final Competition
The final competition will be held on August 10th at the Pacific Lutheran University pool. This pool is located at 98447 849 124th Street South, Tacoma WA 98444. The pool is directly next to the ROTC building. There is a map of the area attached.
Each team should arrive at 9 am and the competition will start at 10 am. Reminder that each team will give a presentation to a panel of judges, have their engineering notebooks looked over, and complete two runs through the obstacle course ( the fastest of the two times will be taken for scoring). The rubrics for the team interview and an explanation of the engineering notebook are attached.
For the competition, Scouts will need to bring their Aquabot, and their soldering kit, and any extra parts or pieces they may have. This is important incase last minute repairs need to take place. They should be ready to work as a team, bring a lunch to the event (There may be a food truck at the event an offical annoucement will be sent if there is), and be prepared to be patient and respectful as other teams are competing.
If you have any questions please reach out to
If you do not have enough youth to form a team, please reach out to Rachael Weaver at to put the youth on a list to try to form a team of other youth without a team.