Great Alaska Council - 2023 National Jamboree

Starting A Registration
How to start a new registration.
My Account - Part 1
My Account Basics
My Account - Part 2
Importing, Managing, and Using a Personal Roster
Parent Portal - Parents Guide
How parents can update registrations.
Access Reports
View reports for registration.

2023 National Jamboree

Event Details

Early Bird Pricing ends 10/31/2022. New Rates for the national jamboree registration will increase an additional $215.


Jamboree is more than a destination. It’s the adventure of lifetime. And there is simply nothing else like it on the planet.

What’s a Jamboree? It’s not camp. National Jamboree is 360-degrees of fun, friends and fellowship with hands-on adventure that takes you places you never thought you’d go and challenge you to try things you never thought you could.

It’s the beginning of your own heroes’ journey that will challenge you to go farther than you ever thought possible. You’ll reach deeper and lift yourself higher to become the best version of yourself.

Registration is done in two parts. 
Step 1. Register through the National Jamboree Site [and return to this Great Alaska Council Jamboree site after completion].
Step 2. Register and pay through this registration page. You must create an account for your registration so you can log back in and add payments leading up to the Jamboree. 

The fees include a limited Jamboree swag package which will include at least a duffle bag, patches, class b, tents, neckerchief, hat, and NSJ unit numerals as well as touring around the DC area prior to our arrival at the Jamboree. 

Additional patches and swag may be purchased at an added expense to the Scout ahead of time.  

The fees include a limited Jamboree swag package which will include at least a duffle bag, patches, class b, tents, neckerchief, hat, and NSJ unit numerals as well as touring around the DC area prior to our arrival at the Jamboree.

Youth Participants: The Jamboree is open to all who are qualified on a first-come, first-served basis. Qualifications to attend the National Jamboree include:

Registered member of a Scout Troop, who has completed the 6th grade, or will be at least 12 years old (but who has not yet reached their 18th birthday by 8/1/2023) and a First Class Scout by July 1, 2023. –OR–

Registered member of a Venture Crew who will be at least 14 years old (but who has not yet reached their 21st birthday by 8/1/2023).

Must live and abide by the Scout Oath and Law.

Must abide by the Jamboree Code of Conduct.

At the time of registration, Scouts will be placed in a Jamboree troop and each Scout will be a member of a patrol within their unit. Every contingent member will be required to participate in and have the following:

Monthly troop meetings (online)

A completed National Jamboree Medical form signed by a licensed physician turned in by Council deadline 3/1/2023

Meet mandatory uniform requirements (ex: 2 Class A shirts with contingent patches) and have appropriate personal gear for two weeks of high adventure/travel.

Attend the all-contingent gathering (Anchorage)

Attend an overnight training encampment. (Anchorage)

Have all fees paid no later than June 1st, 2023

Applicants will need to register at both sites.  Payment is only accepted and required at the Council registration site.  Each participant will need to have their own email address. Youth may not use their parent’s email as there are unique NSJ applications that required unique emails for parents and Scouts. The National Scouting BSA website requires a unique email address for each Scouting member. This email is tied to the Scout or Scouter’s BSA ID number.
When & Where
Summit Betchel Reserve
Sunday 07-16-2023 12:00 AM AKT to
Friday 07-28-2023 7:00 PM AKT Past
More Information