Merit Badge Academy - Camp Week
Day Camp isn’t just for Cub Scouts! Merit Badge Academy - Camp Week is a week of intense merit badge offerings with scouts signing up for each day and badge at a time. Each day will consist of a core offering of Eagle required merit badges as well as a selection of other opportunities (based on MB counselor availability). Most of these offerings won’t be part of the standard Fire Mountain selection including the new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge! Scouts can sign up for one day or multiple days with the option to go home each night or stay on site for a small charge.
$75 per day (each day is 9am - 5PM) and will cover all costs of the class as well as lunch.
$25 to stay over night and will include Dinner and Breakfast as well as staff leadership in the campsite.
Current Listings for Merit Badges are listed below for each day... besure to check back for updates as more classes open up!
Information on Pre-Reqs and planned Partials.
- Pre-requisites - requirements 1 and 5
- Partial - requirement 8
Citizenship in the Community
- Pre-requisites (or complete outside of Academy) - requirements 2, 3, and 4
Citizenship in the Nation
- Pre-requisites - requirement 5
- Partials - requirements 7 and 8
Citizenship in Society
- Pre-requisite - requirement 8
American Culture
- Pre-requisite - requirement 1
Scouting Heritage
- Pre-requisite - requirement 6 (this is regarding the patch collection. Bring your collection to the Academy)
Citizenship in the Community
American Culture
Personal Management
Citizenship in the Community- Jeremy
American Culture
Citizenship in Society
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in Society
Citizenship in the Nation
Scouting Heritage
Health Care Professions
Veterinary Medicine/Animal Science
Collections/ Coin Collecting
Theater - pre req to read/watch three plays in order to finish the
Fire Safety and First Aid
Citizenship in Society
Scouting Heritage
Computer Programming
Home Repair
Monday 08-12-2024 12:00 AM PT to
Friday 08-16-2024 11:59 PM PT Past