Fire Mountain Camporee
Camporee this year is going to focus on BUSHCRAFT! To many scouts this means “scout skills” but for this years camporee be sure to bring your Time Machine as skills this year will require you to think like a scout in 1910 not 2023!
Your patrols will be asked to cook as much as they can on open fire, using tools like dutch ovens NOT jet boils!
Camping will be done in the large back forty field with stations in Kit Carson field and through out the main or “camp core” area.
Registration is as follows:
Early Bird rate March 1st - March 31st: Scouts $25 and Adults $5
Regular Price April 1st-April 24th: Scouts $25 and Adults $10
Late Registration April 25th-May 1st: Scouts $35 and Adults $15
ALL dates above are final.
Who is this program for?: Scouts BSA Troops, Webelos may attend with a troop for a day visit only.
Download the Leaders guide HERE
Fire Mountain Scout Camp
Friday 05-05-2023 5:00 PM PT to
Sunday 05-07-2023 10:00 AM PT Past