Wood Badge - Fall 2022
Wood Badge, Fall of 2022
October 7th - 9th at Cub Adventure Camp
and November 5th - 6th at T. Brady Saunders
Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation
We ask that all registered participants please complete this form no later than September 20th!
Wood Badge 2022 is an advanced, national leadership course open only to registered Scouting volunteers and professionals. Adult leaders from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, plus district and council Scouters are all are welcome and belong at Wood Badge.
Wood Badge is an adult leader training reflecting the best of a century of Scouting experience. Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations throughout the country.
Wood Badge training started when Baden-Powell realized that Scouting could only offer the best youth program if the organization had the best trained leaders. The first Wood Badge training was offered in 1919 as a way to ensure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Wood Badge has been held worldwide since that time to provide advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout leaders.
Wood Badge builds upon the best traditions and experiences of the Boy Scouts of America draws from a wide range of courses within and beyond the bounds of Scouting to present the latest in leadership theory and team development. Scouters around the world recognize and bond over their Wood Badge experiences.
Wood Badge is designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of all Scouters, particularly unit level Scouters, such as Cub leaders, Scoutmasters and assistants, Venturing Crew Advisors, Committee Chairs and members. Additionally, Scouters serving at the district and council levels can achieve greater effectiveness through Wood Badge.
To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:
Be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. The leader must complete the basic training courses for their Scouting position. Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical Record form, be current with YPT, and have a basic understanding of the Scouting program.
The simple answer is that every Scout deserves the best experience possible. The skills learned in Wood Badge, the friends made, and the “tools” acquired will make the attendee a better leader if applied properly. Wood Badge is here for you. This is not a Troop leader training but is designed for all Cub, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, Venturing leaders, and district/council leaders. This course will help leaders better understand how all the Scouting programs tie together. It will provide many useful leadership tools to help enable youth to have the best possible Scouting experience. There is no better time to attend a Wood Badge course and make a difference. Wood Badge is the best way to make the best of one’s time in Scouting.
Camp T. Brady Saunders/Camp S. Douglas Fleet/Cub Adventure Camp
Friday 10-07-2022 7:00 AM ET to
Sunday 10-09-2022 5:00 PM ET Past
Session 2 (November 5th - 6th)
Camp T. Brady Saunders/Camp S. Douglas Fleet/Cub Adventure Camp
Saturday 11-05-2022 7:00 AM ET to
Sunday 11-06-2022 5:00 PM ET Past