Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Orientation
The HOVC Advancement Committee is pleased to offer Orientation sessions, for those selected by their units, to be Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors.
Sunday, September 24th, 2023
HOVC Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Dr., Henrico, VA
2:00pm to 3:30pm
The session is approximately 90 minutes in length and will begin promptly at the stated time.
Class is limited to 20 participants.
There will be additional Orientation sessions scheduled in the months to come, so stay tuned.
Please remember that we need each Troop to have a designated Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor in order to fulfill the objectives of the badge. Unit leaders and Committees, think about who is best suited to guide your scouts, on this personal journey.
Before you attend:
Before you attend the Orientation session, you need to:
- Read the merit badge requirements
- Review the Counselor's Guide
- Complete the DEI online training module
- Have your application signed by your Committee Chair or Scoutmaster
Links to these resources are linked in the Attachments box on this page.
Sunday 09-24-2023
2:00 PM ET to 3:30 PM ET Past