Basic Adult Leadership Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)

The South of the James Training Team is pleased to Offer:
Cub Scout Leader
Basic Adult Leadership Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
At Camp T. Brady Saunders, Goochland, VA
April 12-13, 2025
Class "A" Uniform Preferred
1. Participants must complete online BALOO training at prior to attending training and provide proof of completion at registration.
2. Participants should arrive for registration no later than 8:15 AM, Saturday, April 12th at Camp T. Brady Saunders, Goochland, VA. Training will end around noon on April 13th.
3. Participants should bring a tent (and tarp as needed), camping gear (sleeping bag, pillow, camp chair, etc.), mess kit (plate, cup, knife, fork, spoon), rain gear, change of clothes, and a folding pocket knife, a day pack, and a water bottle.
4. Food, drink, and food preparation equipment will be provided. Those with special dietary needs/restrictions should contact the Course Director.
5. BALOO training will be conducted at the same time and location as Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills Training (IOLS), but due to differences in the Program content, BALOO trainees will receive a credit ONLY for BALOO training.
6. A current BSA Health Form with completed sections A & B. The forms will be kept confidential and returned at the end of training. A copy of the Health Form can be downloaded to your right.
7. Additional information will be sent to registrants prior to the course.
Registration is FREE, but required. NO WALK-INS.
Prerequisites: Prior to taking the practical component, you must have completed the online component before attending the training weekend practical. Both components, the online and the practical, must be completed in order to fulfill the “BALOO Trained” status. In the event the online component is not completed prior to the practical, the trained status is withheld until both components are successfully completed. The online portion is available through the BSA Learn Center. Log onto and select the BSA Learn Center image on the right side of the home page.
You do not need to be a pack leader to attend this training. All pack parents and leaders are encouraged to attend!
A day of fun and learning prepares adults to plan and carry out "entry-level" outdoor experiences. Ask a youth why they want to be a Cub Scout, and nine times out of 10 they'll answer "to go camping." Cub Scouting has designed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training, so youth, along with their parents or some other adult, can participate in a successful overnight camping experience.
A camp-out is a great way to have fun and build confidence in outdoor skills. This kind of camping isn't the rugged high adventure outing geared toward older Scouts BSA Scouts. It's what you might call "soft camping," where families can simply drive up to a campsite and pitch a tent within a few feet of their vehicle's rear bumper. The emphasis is on family fun activities that don't require advanced outdoor skills.
The morning BALOO sessions include the why and how of Cub Scout camping—planning, equipment, meal preparation, and campfire programs. In the afternoon, Cub Scouters rotate among four round-robin sessions—fire safety, stoves, and lanterns; first aid and sanitation; nature hikes and games; and cooking. Scattered throughout the day are plenty of the four S's: songs, stunts, stories, and showmanship.
With proper planning and your BALOO-trained adults, your pack should be set for a fun and exciting weekend event.
Questions: Contact Course Director Pat Meadows at, or South of the James Training Team Coordinator Bill Eggleston at