Heart of Virginia Council - 2023 Heart of VA Council Back At Camp Camporee

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2023 Heart of VA Council Back At Camp Camporee

Event Details

2023 Heart of Virginia Council

Back at Camp Camporee




Who:   All HOVC Scouts

Where:   T Brady Saunders / Cub Adventure Camp 

When:   April 21 - 23, 2023

What:  Showcase Scouting at its best with fun activities and challenges.

After a tough couple of years, it’s time to get back to what we all love to do – Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and the Camporee aims to bring together Scouts from all over the Council. It also gives us a chance to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the Heart of Virginia Council.

Think of the event as a Council sized Jamboree. Units will check in on Friday evening to set up camp (tent camping only is available). Saturday's program will have interactive Scout Skills Challenges and activities for all ages, presented by units and volunteers. A few of the activities will be age-restricted, but most will be open to any Scout.

Scouts will be given a passport booklet to collect stamps after participating in activities. If they complete a required number of activities, Scouts will receive something special.

Units will be preparing their own meals throughout the weekend. 

World and National Scout Jamborees reveal the diversity of Scouting. As part of this Camporee experience, we are encouraging units to play up their uniqueness or culture during the weekend. Details in the Participant Guide.

We’re looking forward to a great event and hope to see you at the Goochland reservation on April 21-23, 2023! It’ll be your “Passport to Fun”.  

April 4th Update: Please review and share the attached "2023 Council Camporee Unit Adult Supplemental Instructions" (PDF) with all event attendees.

When & Where
2023 HOVC Camporee
Camp T. Brady Saunders/Camp S. Douglas Fleet/Cub Adventure Camp
Friday 04-21-2023 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 04-23-2023 10:00 AM ET Past
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