2022 NYLT Chaperone Registration
Event Details

2022 NYLT Chaperone Registration
National Youth Leadership Training
We are excited to offer the opportunity for adult chaperones to spend at least one night (or more) with us at the 2022 NYLT course. Woodbadgers could potentially earn that 3rd bead! You will see how the course is run and watch youth in action. There are 42 slots available.
- be a male or female Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, Skipper, Mate, or a registered adult with a valid YPT
- be willing to spend at least an evening and night with us
Chaperone Job Description
You will be in charge of watching over your assigned patrol to provide adult oversight by doing bed checks (accompanied with another adult) and sleeping within earshot of hte patrol so taht we can ensure there are no issues when they are together in the patrol campsite.
We Will Provide
- a reflective belt to make you easy to see at night
- a Cracker Barrel as well as breakfast and summer (if you come in time)
- for a single-nights stay: one shirt and a course patch
- for a 2-5 night stay: two shirts and a course patch
- if you choose to stay all 6 nights, you will be considered "adult staff" and should register as such on the 2022 NYLT Registration site (not here). You will earn a 3rd Woodbadge bead (if you have already received your initial two beads).
You Need To
- bring your own tent and equipment for the evening
- arrive no later than 8:00 pm on the night you are signed-up for and leave no earlier than 7:00 am the next morning. You can come earlier and stay later, if you would like.
- supper is generally at 6:00 - 6:45 pm and breakfast is generally 7:30 - 8:00 am. When you sign-up for a night, we will give you the specifics for the meals
- there is a Cracker Barrel every evening
- provide your YPT certificate
- provide your health form with sections A and B filled out for 1 or 2 nights. Section C must also be completed if you are staying longer.
- $20.00 for one night. This includes food, a shirt, and a course patch.
- $35.00 for two nights. This includes food, two shirts, and a course patch.
- $45.00 for three nights. This includes food, two shirts, and a course patch.
- $55.00 for four nights. This includes food, two shirts, and a course patch.
- $65.00 for five nights. This includes food, two shirts, and a course patch.
- $100.00 for all six nights. This includes all adult staff benefits, including a 3rd Woodbadge bead if you are otherwise eligible. Please register as "adult staff" on the 2022 NYLT Registration site.
When & Where
Camp T. Brady Saunders/Camp S. Douglas Fleet/Cub Adventure Camp
Saturday 06-18-2022 6:00 PM ET to
Saturday 06-25-2022 12:00 PM ET Past
Saturday 06-18-2022 6:00 PM ET to
Saturday 06-25-2022 12:00 PM ET Past