Spring Trout-O-Ree 2022
Blue Ridge Scout Reservation is celebrating its 25th Anniversary of Trout-o-rees!
The Blue Ridge Mountains Council is proud to host the 25th Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Troutorees at Camp Powhatan’s cold spring-fed lake. A fishing tournament and numerous activities will be held throughout the day. A hot dog lunch, a tournament patch and a limit of five trout are included for each registered participant. Parents may sign up individually or through their scout’s Pack or Troop. Camping is available on Friday night.
Registration and Details for Trout-o-rees
• Pre-registration is required due to space limitations.
• Parents are encouraged to attend and participate in this event; however, remember that the scouts come first. Adults wishing to fish must pay the fees listed above. Adults who only wish to have lunch must pre-register for $5.
• Fishing begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Registration is open from 7-9 p.m. on Friday evening at the shower palace or on Saturday beginning at 7:30 a.m. until 10 a.m. at the boathouse (see camp map).
• With your fishing registration you will receive lunch, a patch and eligibility to compete for prizes (youth only).
• Prizes will be presented at 3:30 p.m. in the amphitheater, unless otherwise noted. You must be present to win.
Trout-o-ree Rules
• Fishing gear and bait are NOT provided.
• Good sportsmanship is a must.
• Fishing begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.
• No fishing is allowed before or after the trout-o-ree.
• Fishing must take place between the swinging bridge and the area above the dam.
• Baits such as Berkley Power Bait, salmon eggs, cheese, worms, etc., can only be fished on a single hook. No double hooks and treble hooks are allowed. No corn can be used as bait.
• Due to the fragile nature of trout, catch and release is not allowed. If you do not wish to keep your fish, please offer them to someone else.
• Culling of fish (keeping only the big ones) is against competition rules.
• Please do not attempt to “make a winner” by giving all of your unit’s big fish to one scout.
• Random stomach content checks could occur at weigh-in, so “rock stuffing” is not encouraged. This is both unethical and unfair to the other fishermen.
• Once you catch your five fish, you have to stop fishing and take them to be weighed. Remember, fresh fish weigh more than stale fish, so weigh as you go.
• All catches must be reported at weigh in station to help maintain proper fishing habitat in the lake
• Fish must be cleaned only in the designated area beside the boating area.
Prize Divisions—You must be present to win!
• Biggest Trout, 1st, 2nd and 3rd (Cub Scout and Scouts BSA in separate competitions)
• Overall champion (largest catch)
Overnight Camping Information
• Camping is available for Friday night at Camp, you provide your own camping equipment. Please submit a Facility Use form with your registration.
• Campmasters (volunteers who help run weekend programs) will be on-site to assist your group in selecting a campsite; however, all sites are first come, first served.
• Please encourage your Scouts to use the buddy system at all times.
• No parking in campsites and absolutely no littering is allowed.
• No alcohol or fireworks are permitted.
• Please do not construct new fire rings. Fires must be attended at all times.
Sample Packing List
Running water and toilet facilities will be available
• 3 changes of clothing (Remember camp can be cold at night.)
• Rain gear
• 2 pair of shoes and extra socks
• Tent, sleeping bag and trail pad
• Flashlight
• Personal toiletries
• Fishing gear
• Cooking equipment and food (the event only provides lunch on Saturday).
• Consider bringing supplies to fry ‘em up!
COVID-19 Guidelines for the Reservation will be followed and strictly enforced. Masks must be worn when designated. In an effort to minimize illness at camp, we ask that you and your Scout do a daily health screen for 7 days before your session starts. The camp session starts best with healthy Scouts, with good health that begins at home. You must bring completed BRSR Home Prescreening Form on Opening Day.
Camp Powhatan
Friday 04-22-2022 5:00 PM ET to
Saturday 04-23-2022 5:00 PM ET Past
Scout BSA Trout
Camp Powhatan
Friday 04-22-2022 5:00 PM ET to
Saturday 04-23-2022 5:00 PM ET Past