Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)

This one-and-a-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight hands on practical. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the discovery of the necessary tools to help units carry our a successful camping experience. When your Pack or Webelos den camps, a MINIMUM OF ONE adult who has completed this training must be on the overnight experience.
What to bring: Tent, ground cover, mess kit, camp chair, sleeping gear, other personal camping equipment, Cub Scout Leader Book. Be prepared for cold and/or wet weather. Please eat breakfast on Saturday before arriving. Lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday will be provided.
Prerequisites: The online component, which contains introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the overnight practical part of the course must be completed prior to the practical component. Online modules are available at in the BSA Learning Center – Expanded Learning – BALOO Prerequisite Training.