Spring Merit Badge Camp 2021

The Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America invites you to Spring Merit Badge Camp at the Pipsico Scout Reservation. This is a great opportunity for Scouts to hone their camping skills, complete advancement requirements, earn merit badges (some of which are not typically offered at summer camps), and have lots of fun!!
Just like a Summer Camp, four meals will be provided, Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. Highlights from the event include:
- Huskanaw (First Year Camper) Program- Complete 98% of requirements for Scout – Second Class & work on numerous First Class Requirements
- 20 Merit Badge Offerings (Including Eagle Required)
The event Guide will be available soon on www.PipsicoBSA.com under the Events tab. Please see the Merit Badges offerings listed in the course guide (posted on or before 4/7). MB Registration will begin at 10am April 16th. Merit Badge Counselors interested in supporting/supplementing the Spring Camp program are invited to contacted Brendan Kane at brendan.kane001@gmail.com to offer assistance.
This event is open to all registered Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Explorers from any council.
Due to COVID-19 we are still restricted to one overnight. Check-in is Saturday morning from 8:15 to 8:45 and they will go to Merit Badge sessions. Campsite set up will be over lunchtime from 12 to 2 pm. Second session is 2 to 5 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Sunday morning breafast is 8 am with merit badge sessions from 9 to 12 noon followed by lunch, pack up and check-out.
Those interested in Wilderness First Aid are encouraged to sign up for the stand alone course offered in May. Please see the Council calendar for more information.
Saturday 04-24-2021 8:15 AM ET to
Sunday 04-25-2021 2:00 PM ET Past