STEM Spring Break Camp
Sring Break STEM Camp is a weeklong outdoor experience for youth ages 6-11. Spring Break STEM Camp runs from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This gives parents the opportunity to be involved on a more flexible schedule. Both a camp and a program director, along with a staff of volunteers, conduct the camp programs.
Spring Break STEM Camp is open to ALL youth ages 6-11. Being a registered Cub Scout is not required. All youth are encourged to register and participate.
Spring Break STEM Camp promotes year-round Cub Scout program
- Provides opportunity to complete elective adventure requirements at every rank
- Encourages youth to benefit and grow with a good outdoor experience
The registered participants will work on activities that are challenging and age appropriate. There are a wide range of activities with may include the following:
- Shooting Sports (BB Guns, Archery, and/or Wrist rockets/Sling shots)
- Sports and games
- Academics
- Science
- Nature
- Crafts
- Skits and songs
- Lunchtime programs
Register today to join in the FUN and ADVENTURE!
Note: the non Cub Scout participant fee includes the camp registration fee, a tshirt, the Cub Scout membership registraton fee and insurance.