PA Fall Camporee
Event Details

A Camporee Event in which scouts divided into Patrols enter into a scout skilled competition. Patrols will be representing their Districts (aka Troops) to test their knowledge and skills to see if they have what it takes to compete in the Phoenix District Games rising from the ashes to claim victory. Competitions include: Race to the Cornucopia, A-Frame Race, Archery, First-Aid, Rope Burn, Camp Gadget Building, and Blindfold Obstacle Course.
TO CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN WEEKEND: Troops are encouraged to decorate their campsites in their best Halloween Gear. Camporee Staff will choose the three best decorated campsites that represent the spirit of Halloween.
When & Where
Izaak Walton League Park
Friday 10-29-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-31-2021 10:00 AM ET Past
Friday 10-29-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-31-2021 10:00 AM ET Past