2021 Albemarle District Cuboree - Gold Rush
Event Details

The Gold Rush is an Albemarle District Family Camping event held at Currituck County Rural Center for all Cub Scouts and their families and/or leaders to experience together. Non-scout siblings are invited to participate in all activities during Gold Rush. Activities include: BB guns, archery, field games, crafts, campfires, and much more.
Mark your calendar now for October 22nd through 24th. The cost will be $40/family if paid by October 9th and $50 after that date. Packs will be given more details from our event Sheriff, Christy Cooper, on what units are expected to contribute. Let’s get ready to camp!
When & Where
Currituck County Rural Center
Friday 10-22-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-24-2021 12:00 PM ET Past
Friday 10-22-2021 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 10-24-2021 12:00 PM ET Past