Merit Badge University
Event Details

The Colonial Virginia Council Merit Badge University (MBU) is an educational and advancement opportunity open to any active registered Scout BSA, Venturer, or Sea Scout. The event is hosted by the Colonial Virginia Council (CVC), Scouting America, and is taking place on January 18 and April 19, 2025, at the campus of Christopher Newport University.
- Scouts MUST attend both session dates The schedule for both days is the same.
8:00 AM | Doors Open |
8:45 AM | Opening Ceremony |
9:00 AM | Classes Begin (Morning Period) |
12:00 PM | Lunch Break |
12:30 PM | Classes Begin (Afternoon Period) |
3:30 PM | Classes End, All Scouts Depart |
- Registration is by parent/guardians, NOT UNITS. We will need to have direct contact information for parents/guardians, therefore we are asking that units NOT sign up multiple scouts but that parents/guardians do so.
- There are no wait lists and classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that each class has a maximum capacity of Scouts that can sign up for the class.
- Scouts must talk with their unit leader. Parents/guardians will register their scouts BUT all scouts must speak with their unit leader before the first day of the MBU to obtain a Blue Card and/or initiate the merit badge in Scoutbook. Scouts must make contact with their unit leader before attending the January sessions.
- Merit Badge Tracking. Tracking reports will be available in BlackPug to show which requirements Scouts completed and provided to the unit leader. Those reports will be emailed to the unit leaders in January and again in April. Questions regarding completions should be directed to the scout’s unit leader.
- Registration Fee Payment. $30.00 before December 15; $35 for registrations after December 15. No late registration or on-site registration will be accepted. The fee includes an event patch and a snack about midway through each class. Lunch is not provided, and vending machines are not guaranteed. Scouts must bring their lunch, including a drink.
- By signing the application, the Scout’s parents (or legal guardian) agree to pick up the child at 3:45 PM each day. NO LATE PICK-UPS PLEASE! If a Scout has any other special needs, please provide instructions.
- Scouts are expected to do homework between January and April. The Scout is responsible for completing their requirements for the merit badge. Parents and Scout Leaders should remind the Scouts that they should take notes and pay attention to their homework assignments.
- Occasionally, a counselor will set up to conduct a field trip to a local point of interest. If that occurs, a special permission slip will be provided, and parents will be responsible for furnishing transportation.
- If a Scout is unable to complete his merit badge, the “PARTIAL” completion will be noted, which will be transmitted to the scout’s unit leader. MBU Counselors may be available to serve as counselors after MBU ends.
- Scouts should wear the official field uniform for MBU. Most units call this a “class A” uniform. The uniform you normally wear to a troop meeting will be fine.
- There are no refunds for this event. Refunds are usually only granted in cases of emergency unless otherwise stated.
- Registration Deadline: January 11, 2025
- Questions should be directed to Bill Raftery, MBU Chair,, 757-645-5678 and/or Laura Nelson-Rogers, MBU Co-Chair,, 757-435-8989
When & Where
Weekend 2
Christopher Newport University - McMurran Hall
Saturday 04-19-2025
8:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET
Weekend 1
Christopher Newport University - McMurran Hall
Saturday 01-18-2025
8:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
Christopher Newport University - McMurran Hall
Saturday 04-19-2025
8:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET
Weekend 1
Christopher Newport University - McMurran Hall
Saturday 01-18-2025
8:00 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past