Scout Strong 5K -- Sponsors

Levels of Sponsorships
Platinum Sponsor: $3,000
One spot available
Supersized logo on race t-shirt
Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in race packets
Recognition on event web page
Special promotion during start and/or end of event
Recognition in our promotional material including social media and email campaigns
Banner on-site (optional)
Ten free race registrations
Race T-Shirt Sponsor: $2,000
One spot available
XX-Large Logo on race t-shirt
Placement of promotional merchandise in race packets
Recognition on event web page
Seven free registrations
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
One spot available
X-Large Logo on race t-shirt
Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in race packets
Recognition on event web page
Recognition in our promotional material including social media and email campaigns
Sponsor helps present awards
Five free race registrations
Silver Sponsor: $500
Three spots available
Large logo on race t-shirt
Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in race packets
Recognition on event web page, Facebook and email campaigns
Three free 5k registrations
Scout Scholarship Sponsor: $300
Bronze Sponsor: $250+
Ten spots available
Small Logo on race t-shirt
Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in race packets
Recognition on event web page and Facebook
Two free race registrations
In-Kind Donations
If you company would like to make a donation of a product or services, please contact Josh Jones-St. Clair at 260-704-8211.