Green Mountain Council - University of Scouting 2024

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University of Scouting 2024

Event Details

Welcome to University of Scouting 2024!

October 19 at Mack Hall, Norwich University, 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield, VT

University of Scouting (UoS) is the premier adult training event in the Green Mountain Council. Successful units are led by trained leaders, and UoS provides an opportunity for Scouters to receive in-person training for their position as well as supplemental training in the areas they are most interested in. We encourage your leadership team to attend UoS together.

Opportunity to choose up to six 50-minute classes.

Check-in and coffee hour begins 7:30 am
Opening ceremony 8:30 am, classes begin at 9:00
Closing ceremony 4:00 pm

Appropriate attire: Scout field uniform.

NEW THIS YEAR   The University of Scouting program is adding opportunities specifically for Scouts BSA youth. In addition to Den Chief Training (9AM-12PM), the following merit badges will be offered. Note that to complete the merit badge on this day, there may be prerequisite work. These merit badge courses are being offered by the Council and are not affiliated with the upcoming Norwich Merit Badge Day in February of 2025.

Chemistry Merit Badge, 9AM-12PM (no prerequisites) - THIS CLASS IS FULL, Waitlist available
Chess Merit Badge, 1-3PM -- come with an understanding of how chess is played and its history. Suggested videos: and
Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge, 1-3PM (prereqs: 5, 6, 7, 8)
Citizenship in the World Merit Badge, 1-3PM (prereqs: 3, 4, 7)
Fingerprinting Merit Badge, 3-4PM (no prerequisites)


When & Where
Norwich University
Saturday 10-19-2024
8:30 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
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